An update on the Dog Meat Trade in SE Asia by Soi Dog Foundation

An update on the Dog Meat Trade in SE Asia by Soi Dog Foundation

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Did you know that 70% of dogs captured for the dog meat trade in Vietnam are people’s pets?  Did you know that Western tourists are feeding the demand for dog meat trade in these countries?  Learn much more from John Dailey of the Soi Dog Foundation, the leading expert of the brutal dog meat trade in SE Asia.  John has risked his life to end the dog meat trade in Thailand, receiving death threads from the “mob like” dog meat traders and possibly even from high ranking public officials that had something to loose.  No matter, John will persist until the dog meat trade ends.  He put up billboards to raise awareness to the locals which had a large impact on this Buddhist nation – a grass roots movement to stop the trade started and through social media information exchange, dog meat traders were tracked and at pre-set times supporters would show up to create human road blocks.  From year 2011 to 2013 many dog meat traders in Thailand were busted.  Fast forward to 2016  and you don’t see live dog movement over the border by the barbaric dog smugglers – however, the dog meat smugglers now sometimes butcher the dogs in Thailand and transport the meat in cooler trucks.  While more expensive it draws less attention on the road.  John will not give up and will continue to press on – as he has in Vietnam, S. Korea and other SE Asia countries.  Please watch this short and informative video on the current state of the dog meat trade in SE Asia.  Thank god for people like John and Gil Dailey, Founders of the Soi Dog Foundation.